Northwood is Awarded 3rd Accreditation | Northwood Children's Services

Northwood is Awarded 3rd Accreditation

Northwood Children’s Services was awarded for the third time an expedited accreditation from the Council on Accreditation– a symbol of excellence in meeting the highest national standards of care. Northwood has been accredited since the early eighties.
We went through 1206 best practice standards and met each and every one of these standards with professionalism and above all deep care and respect for our students and their families.  Our open door policy and team building with staff was remarked upon as being great. The culture of Northwood was seen as being all inclusive as our students were comfortable with the auditors.
Our CADI program was seen as being a true home for the kids and a place for them to grow and feel safe. Our foster care program was remarked upon as being a wonderful program for foster parents and connected fully with the local tribal programs. The foster parents told the auditors that the placement was a perfect match for both, the parents and the child.
Our staff was thanked for their hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed their stay and our kindness not only to them but to each other and our students. 
Our administration and service environment was seen to be a beautiful facility with warm and caring shown to the students. It was considered to be exemplary with regard to cleanliness and care. The passion of our staff, from housekeeping to the executive team was called amazing. Our medical staff was also seen as being exceptional with how they treat the students. We were considered to be tremendously patient with the COA and our data gathering process. 
The LLEC was seen as being a wonderful place for younger children and the staff was remarkable. The auditors remarked that the LLEC staff fully embraced the children and the children showed a true desire to be there. 
Our School-based IDTs were seen as “unique, well lived day treatment program, that focuses on students with needs and focuses on their educational needs. A program that can be adapted for students outside of Northwood.”
Our recreational programs were seen to be filled with passion and excitement. The recreational facilities and programs were seen to be phenomenal with the care and programming that goes into planning the outdoor events all year round. 
The auditors stated that we have a high standard for ethics-“the whole agency lives its mission, the board, leadership, and staff. Northwood is an ethical agency led by an ethical board.”
The auditors said that we have a “Strong and knowledgeable team and trusted CEO. Northwood is a trusted honored community partner led by strong leadership and strong guidance. Financially strong for a nonprofit, with no debt and clean audits that are above financial standards.”
They remarked upon the fact that “all the dollars go to kids.”
The auditors also said that “Human Resources is the heart and soul of Northwood. That our high standards for hiring and our staff’s passion and commitment for our students is what makes Northwood work.”
All the staff were seen as being exceptional with regard to all areas of services and programs continually met and surpassed standards. “The standards we make at Northwood effects children everywhere.”

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