NACBH's Newest President | Northwood Children's Services

NACBH’s Newest President

On July 19th, the National Association for Children’s Behavioral Health elected our very own President and CEO, Richard Wolleat as their new president. This is a great honor for Richard and all of Northwood Children’s Services. NACBH’s mission is “To advance the field of children’s behavioral health by engaging talented and promising leaders to identify emerging practices of excellence and transform them into effective public policy, while promoting their broad implementation.” (NACBH website , 2019) Northwood has also embraced this mission by ensuring that our staff are the best mental health professionals they can through our rigorous year-round training and fostering of positive relationships with our students. If you would like to know more about Northwood Children’s services you can join us on FaceBook, Instagram,  or subscribe to our newsletter. 

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